Friday, February 1, 2019

A Bright Day

Today seems so much brighter and happier. I don't know why. Its like partly cloudy out and fairly warm for how it as been, my roomies are all home and we're chilling together, and I don't have to work today. Even in doors seems brighter.
My mock class went well. I did lots of things well and I have lots of things to improve upon so I am going to reschedule and try again within the next week. I got to have lunch with several friends today which was so much fun. They're all seniors in college and 1 is closer to my age, but the others are a couple years younger. It was nice having the old sym band squad back together. I wish they would be there when I start my masters, but they're graduating. They'll always be fam, but I know I will make new friends during my masters too.
Tonight I am going to a movie with a friend. I think we're gonna go see escape room. I'm kinda excited. I like seeing movies in theaters.
One thing has been odd. I often have hallucinations of music playing, but recently it as been much more. I used to just hear a cello playing, but not I might hear rap or county or even dub step. I used to write down what I heard, but it was difficult. I sometimes have music in my dreams and I write that down too. I've got a few compositions of music I heard in my dreams.
I hope your days are bright.
Take care of yourselves.
Love, A Schizophrenic.

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