Friday, February 8, 2019

Things that happen because you're fat

I started working at taco bell about a month ago. As an employee, I get a percentage off 1 meal during my shift when ever we aren't being ran over by a rush. Ever since my employment, I find that my jeans are mysteriously shrinking...I need to not eat the food every day. I've also began going on daily walks before work. Today, my roomie came with me and we found something pretty cool.
We walked away from town and went down a road I didn't even realize existed. It goes though some woods and is lined by thick patches of weeds and trash. Since it is winter you could see a pretty good ways into the woods. We were about 10 minutes down the road and I tripped over something. I looked down and saw this thick piece of wood sticking out of the ground y about an inch. While I was looking at the ground after almost dying, I noticed what looked to be the edge of a drive way covered by dirt and over grown weeds. It was kinda cool. Alyssa looked into the trees and saw this old beat up house. It was probably 50 yards of the road. She got my attention and said "There isn't another house out her so far. Wanna go look?" I was all for exploring. I love old houses and exploring abandoned buildings.
We started to walk towards the house. It seemed kinda small. It had chipped white paint, broken windows and the door was boarded up with an old sign on it. We noticed it had what probably used to be old flower beds placed around the edges of a small porch. We climbed the steps and peered in through a window to see old furniture scattered about and picture still on the walls. Alyssa noticed how loose the boards were on the door. We began to remove them. Once they were all gone we went inside. There were birds' nest and dirt everywhere. We explored and found all kinds of things. Alyssa found an old newspaper in between the arm and cushion of a chair sitting next to an old fire place. It was dated June 16th 1979. We explored some more. The bedrooms still had beds in them. We were just about to leave when I saw another door just off the kitchen.
It had several locks on it so we assumed it was just a back door at first. Then we realized that it would have been weird to have a back door between the kitchen and a bedroom. We unlocked all of the locks and walked into the pantry. It was shelve and had about a dozen jars of green beans and a ton of cans of food. Alyssa stepped over to look at a calendar on the wall in the back of the pantry. It had events written on it. Someone had a birthday that month and "Elli" had a doctors appoint on the 4th. When she stepped away from that the floor creaked. She said she felt it bow in. The floor boards were really loose so, naturally, we pulled them up. There was a STAIRCASE!!!!!
After standing there discussing things we FINALLY went down the stairs. We took forever to get down because we were afraid and also because we didn't know how sturdy they were. Once we got into the basement we saw old clothes, another old bed, toys, and a bunch of boxes. We looked through everything. That's when we noticed the drawings on the wall by the bed.......and the chains underneath it. There was a hole in 1 part of the wall and we could see into another room. It was hard to see much because there were no lights. We were using the light from the 1 window near the ceiling and the flashlights on our phones. I shined through the hole in the wall and didn't see much. From what I could tell the other room was pretty empty. We decided to not knock down a wall that could possibly collapse the house and made our way quickly up the stairs and out of the old creepy house. We both were so sketched that we practically ran home.
Don't get fat. You'll try to lose the weight and find old sketch houses in the process.
Take care of yourselves.
Love, A Schizophrenic.

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