Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Called out

I totally got called out at work earlier. Let me explain what happened.
I get there and its kinda slow at 1st. People start pouring in and the drive through is out to the road about 30 minutes into my shift. We were down 1 person. One girl is saving lives getting register, frying things, doing dishes, and helping me on dine in orders. Other than her help every so often, I am the only one of dine in. Drive through has 1 person on register and 2 on line. I'm making all these orders myself. Let me remind you that I have only been working there for a month so I am not the fastest and still don't know exactly everything. The orders coming in are not small orders at all. Its like 12 items+ per name. At 1 point I had 2 12 packs and an extra 10 tacos. Behind that were several other orders. I had to do a few remakes because I kinda suck, but I notice this customer standing watching me make all of these orders. Drive through had time to pick up one of my orders before they started getting slammed again. This made the customer a little upset because that order was someone who had ordered after them. Naturally, they began to ask if their order had been forgotten. They then began to rush me and got upset and yelled "Its for here! Its for here!" when I went to put the order into a bag. I said "Because a bag makes such a difference." I said it so that I would be heard.
Once that order got out many more piled in. It did not stop. The line was out to the road when I left and everyone was still making ridiculous orders. I got frustrated quite a few times. At one point I just loudly stated "God motherf*&@ing D!@#*$!" The guy next to me was like "You shouldn't say that." He was joking, but her was right. That conversation lead into a conversation about Christianity. He knows that I am a Christian. This was kinda a big deal to me. He was right. I am a Christian. Why do I allow my self to have such a filthy mouth? It doesn't glorify God and it doesn't make me seem like a kind person when every other word is a curse word. He didn't mean to call me out and he honestly didn't even care. I did though. I have got to watch my mouth.
I know that God forgives and that he always loves us. It doesn't mean that I can just spew whatever words I want out of my mouth. Its about as appealing as spewing vomit. That's gross. Its disgusting and has no place coming out of my mouth.
This may sound like it is specifically for Christians, but it is kinda for everyone in more than 1 way. It is the sick who need a doctor and it is important to stand by what you believe. If you believe that certain words should be said then stand by that. Don't expect the world to stand by it and don't expect the world to change for you, but stand by your belief. Then, live it.
Forgive yourselves and take care of yourselves.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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