Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Self harm;

Many of us have self harmed before or have at least thought about/ been tempted to at some point in our lives. Self harm is a fairly common thing in this day. This could be cutting, choking, rubber banding, or even forcing yourself to eat something in a non healthy way.
 A short conversation at work brought this topic to my mind. I will not be using coworker's names or genders for this out of respect for privacy. Any names in my post may be altered or already hae permission to be used. Coworker A saw a scar on Coworker  B's arm and asked "Is that from cutting?" Coworker B said "yes, actually." The conversation continued and Coworker B stated that the scar was the only visible self harm scar they had and that the other is concealed by a tattoo. I then stated that I have lots visible on my arms. Then, in blabber mouth fashion, I said I also have them on my legs, stomach, and a small one on my throat from where I attempted to slit my own throat. Coworker B said "Oh, I didn't know that." This coworker and I have been friends for several years now is why I didn't mind sharing this info and just talking about things. I went on to explain that I have command hallucinations from schizophrenia (the coworker already knew of my diagnosis.)
Why on earth would I ever tell anyone any of that stuff? Why would I bring it up at work? If these were people I didn't know I may not have taken place in the conversation at all to be honest. Some of you may be more open and that's great, but I do like to get to know people a bit before I say much. I do realize it is important to talk about these things. Why? Educating people on these things is a necessity. People need to know that maybe they aren't the only one dealing with something. Maybe they need advice, or don't know where to start if they are seeking help. Maybe they've been a douche to someone because of someone's self harm or even caused it and the conversation may help them think a bit more. Maybe someone needs to see that they can get through whatever it is they are dealing with. Maybe they need to know there is more life to come and that things aren't over. ( That's the ; in the title.) That may seem really deep for a work conversation, but if I am there 8 hours a day then I practically live there and they are family. Also, just because I know someone from work doesn't mean I don't care for them as a human being.
Why am I making ANOTHER post about it? It is something that NEVER goes away. It may for you and it may for me, but it may not for someone else. There is always someone somewhere dealing with this and if they happen to come across this page and deem it helpful then it was all worth it. If they don't, at least I tried. What are you doing? It is a problem that needs addressing.
If you or anyone you know is dealing with this, please do not be afraid to seek help. You aren't gonna get locked away in a psych ward for it. You're doctor will recommend a therapist and possibly a psychiatrist as well. Neither of those are reasons to be ashamed.
 Take care of yourselves and take care of each other.
Love, A Schizophrenic.

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