Tuesday, January 29, 2019

new hallucination

So, I saw a hallucination the other day that I have never seen before. I have hallucinations all the time. Some are recurring, some come and go, some are always there or only appear at certain times or with certain emotion things, and some leave as quickly as the appear never to return. This one was frightening. It wasn't because of what it was, but because I didn't realize it wasn't real at 1st. The reason that is slightly worrisome is that means I could be about to have a psychotic break. When I get to where I cannot tell fact from fantasy is when I know things are getting bad. I eventually realized it was a hallucination once I got over the surprise of it being there so it may not be as bad as I think.
I had been hanging out with my roomies just watching a show on hulu when I went upstairs to go to the bathroom. I notices something odd in the mirror by the stairs as I passed it. I didn't think much of it. Then, I saw it again. This time in the corner by the upstairs linen closet. That corner is kinda dark because we never really turn on the light there so I just convinced myself that my eyes were just messing with me....even though I knew I just saw it a second ago.
I keep moving and go into the bathroom. I walk by the mirror and there it is plan as day. I just stood and starred at it. It was this cluster of faces that looked like they had been sculpted. Some faces looked like people I knew. I saw my sisters face. Others where complete strangers. It was the oddest thing. I haven't seen it today, but I wonder if I will see it again. It was really weird. If I see it again, I'll write about it.
Take care of yourselves.
Love, A Schizophrenic 

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