Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jon has gone too far

Jon, the guy I awkwardly dated for like 3 days, is back in town. This is also the guy that left grody meat in his apartment and had a spell book on his counter before "going missing" as a prank. That was too far and we (the friend group) still haven't really let it go yet. Come to find out there is more to the story now.
I went to the store earlier today. "Earlier" as in after I got off work at 3am. I saw this chick wearing an MCR t shirt and hoodie. She was dressed in traditional emo wear which I thought looked really cool. I complimented her on her tshirt and hoodie. We began to talk and realized that we both know Jon, but she knows him a bit differently. According to Janis, emo chick, her and Jon were part of a group. Their group was a part of a "society" as she put it. Weird,but okay. She said that since I am friends with Jon I can probably be trusted? I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. 
Anyway, girl gives me her number and we start texting. I also text Jon to tell him I met a friend of his. He doesn't respond for a couple hours and I assume its just because he is in class. He finally text me back saying "Wow. Let me explain." I was so confused. He didn't have anything to explain, but he thought he did so I let him explain. Come to find out, he is totally into that whole spell thing and so is Janis. 
Last week (maybe the week before?) I told a girl that I no longer want to be friends with her because of the things she believed about me. I am going to have to have a talk with Jon. I do NOT want to be hanging around someone who is into that kind of stuff. It is dangerous. 
Some of you may beg to differ and thats cool. I just do not want to be linked to that stuff. It goes against everything I believe and I do not want to mess with it or be around someone who is involved with it for too long. I deleted Janis' number from my phone and am having a serious talk with the friend group later today before I head into work. We all are going to sit down and talk with him hopefully. I may have to sever ties with him. 
I can't keep getting accused of being possessed and hang around people who practice dangerous stuff. I know it sounds crazy and it may be because I am, but I also don't like that almost 50% of my blog post have to do with that type of stuff. I don't get why these people flock to me and why I always seem to get caught up in the weirdest things. 
I'll post more on this stupid stuff later. In the mean time, take care of yourselves.
Love, A Schizophrenic 

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