Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How to ask questions

This post is mainly for those of you wanting to learn more of mental disorders. Maybe it is out of interest, wanting to gain knowledge, or trying to be more understanding/helpful to your friends or family with disorders.
The 1st thing to remember is that you cannot make anyone say anything they do not want to say.
2nd, their mental disorder is not about you. It is about their brain chemistry. Simple as that. I've found that lost of people with disorders have family members that take it personally and try to make things about themselves. Don't be that person.
3rd. When they want to talk, you shut up and listen. Listen with the intent to understand. Nothing more.
4th. The internet is not always correct. Make sure you find actual credit worthy pages to read.
5th. As old school as it sounds, books are better for this type of stuff. Research articles in magazines are also great. I'm all for old school.
6th. Make sure the person you ask is cool with you asking and do so in a setting that they prefer. If they aren't so public about their disorder, don't just ask away out in public. My friends and I have discussions about mental things in public all the time. Some people are cool with it and others aren't. Be respectful.
7th. Don't assume anything. Don't think that just because someone has hallucinations that they are schizophrenic. Don't even assume that you know what the disorder consist of. Example, someone with multiple personalities doesn't have schizophrenia. They have DID. Don't assume they are or are not taking medication.
Thats the best I can do for now.
Love your friends and family.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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