Sunday, January 13, 2019

Working and Mental Health

After this morning's post I thought it would be a good idea to write about some tips for working and taking care of yourself.
I was diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia. I've been in and out of wards and units and blah blah blah. I've been on so many medications and seen so many doctors. I've had all the scans and pictures and anything else you can imagine. I've also managed to work sometimes 100+ hours a week. I successfully completed the requirements to receive my degree in Instrumental music education licensed K-12 with a saxophone concentration. I am working to earn a masters in performance now. Lots of people want to tell me that I probably am not actually schizophrenic because I am functional. Let me tell you, I have had to cancel trips because I could not get medical clearance. I've had to drop out of school because I could not stay out of wards. Just because I did it doesn't mean it was easy.
Here are some things I did to help myself along this journey. These are in no particular order.
1. Keep up with you medication. Make a calendar, get the old people pill organizers, make sure you have refills, and do not stop taking it until you talk it over with your doctor.
2.Go to your appointments. Psychologist and psychiatrist are not cheap, but they have ways of working with you so you can afford it. If they don't then they are money hungry and probably not any good anyway.
3. Stay hydrated and eat well.Your mind and body work together. You brain controls both. Take care of it.
4. Schedule schedule schedule. Do not over book yourself and allow time to chill and SLEEP.
5. Get a job if you can. Have a hobby. Create, learn to paint, learn an instrument, write songs, act, dance, something to get the creativity flowing. Athletics are fantastic as well!
6. Try to build a support system. For me this mostly consist of my dad and a couple close friends. My roommates know what to look for in my behavior as do I so we can tell if things are about to get bad.
7. Relax. Laugh. It helps. Maybe get a pet or hang out with a friend.
8. Put yourself through school if you want. :)

You can do more than you think and waaaay more than others think. Trust me, I know.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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