Thursday, January 10, 2019

Do the impossible

So I've decided that I want to go ahead and begin earning a master's degree in music performance. I had to get a new job since I graduated and can no longer work as a student worker on campus, but it is difficult to find temporary teaching jobs.I decided to just get what ever job would hire me 1st and make the best of it because I really want to start a masters in the fall.
Thanks to some friends of mine I got hired at a local Taco Bell. So far it seems like a good place to work. The people are good and there are opportunities for promotions and raises. They also started me above minimum wage which is pretty sweet. I also am working to get hired by VIPKID. I want to save and use some of my tax refund to buy a used car and start paying on student loans. I also can save a few bucks here and there to help pay for school. I think I also want to get in the system as a substitute teacher which will help me make use of my teaching degree.
After earning the master's, I plan to get more teaching experience after earning my masters. After a few years of that I want to get a doctoral degree and teach at a university. I'd really like to teach at Lee University. I seems like a special place.
I make this post for multiple reasons.
1. I want to keep my blog updated better and kinda make it a journal
2. I want those of you with a mental illness to realize that the world (and maybe yourself) may tell you you can't make it. They'll want to tell you that you are too broken, too slow, too messed up, or too unstable. You can prove them wrong. You can prove yourself wrong. I used to think that getting a degree...or even going to college was impossible for me. Now, I like to do impossible things. It is a hobby. Didn't Alice in Wonderland talk about doing "7 impossible things before breakfast?" Personally, God helps me with these things.
3. Yesterday, I totally had a melt down. I am graduated, but still living with college students. Yes, I plan on going back to school, but I got so over whelmed when I realized how much I really owe in loans. I beat myself up because I don't know what I really want to do in life. This goal that I've made seems right, but time will tell. I want to play saxophone and I want to compose. I want to be in a place where skills are cultivated....mine and other's. This post is helping to solidify this idea in my mind and remind me that I've already (through the help of God) done the impossible. If I've already done the impossible, then I can do more impossible things. God has got me this far so I know he'll get me through the rest of the way and it will be fine. It may be rocky, but it will all work out.

These are things and the types of goals that people do not want to tell you you are capable of, but you totally are. Do the impossible.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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