Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Sleep schedules

Sleep schedules are important. We've all had those days or weeks where we've had little to no rest and it shows. Work keeps us awake, our minds race, there is so much to worry about and think about, and you have to be up early to do God knows what. It sucks.
Finding a way to resolve and set a sleep schedule is so important especially if you have a mental disorder like schizophrenia. It gives your over worked, sick brain a second to calm down. I don't know about y'all, but I don't have hallucinations when I sleep. Just saying. It gives your brain a chance to recover from the day and your mind time to sort out unnecessary information that you often know nothing about. Sleep gives your muscles an opportunity to relax and repair any damage and your organs a chance to catch up on what ever they've been doing.
I've noticed how grogy and worthless I am when I've had too much sleep. I feel lazy and end up just hating myself. A disorderly brain can have too much fun with that. I get irritable and lose self control easier when I do not have enough sleep. I find that I make the dumbest mistakes when I'm tired.
How do you fix the messed up schedule?I am going to tell you a secret that other people do not want you to know. You are in charge of you. You do not have to do anything you do not want to do. If you know you need to be in bed by a certain time so you can be ready in the morning then don't be afraid to tell your friends that. If your boss is scheduling you too many hours TELL THEM. Communication works...unless someone is an arse. If you don't want that 7:45am class....don't take it. If you do want it, take it and make sure to work it into your schedule. You are in charge of you. Don't ever let people tell you that you HAVE to do something you are uncomfortable with or that is unhealthy for you.
Take care of yourselves.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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