Thursday, January 24, 2019


There are days where I feel so misunderstood. I think that sometimes people with mental disorders have a different way of thinking. Its kinda actually proven that we do, but that does not make our process and more or any less than someone else's. I also think that we have different ways of expressing those thoughts. This could be words or phrases that we use in every day life. This happens to me at my job. I may get overwhelmed and say "Okay. What am I doing?" To me, that is just me giving my brain a second to catch up to my actions. My coworkers sometimes interpret that as me saying "I don't know what this is supposed to be. What all goes on it?" It makes sense that they would think that, but that isn't actually what I mean. Sometimes this happens with bigger and more important things too. Once again, these differences do not make anyone less or more than another. 
Most of us have heard of the law recently passed in NY legalizing abortion up until birth. To clarify some things, this law is not to be used as birth control. It is intended to help mothers who may not make it if they deliver or have a c section. This is for mother expecting a still born child. I imagine both cases may live with regret for the rest of their life, but it is their call to make. Others may disagree and say that the call belongs to fate, destiny, time, or God. 
I am not writing this to state my opinion, trust me, I have an informed one. I am writing this to ask that people behave with respect towards one another. Most people have good intentions. So what makes a person good? Their intentions or their actions/words? Its an age old debate really. Remember how it was for you when you were misunderstood. Truly hear each other out. You don't have to change your mind or another persons, but the whole world would be a little more peaceful if their wasn't so much misunderstanding and aggression used to clarify.
I know I am not one to be talking. I am certainly not perfect and definitely have my share of mistakes and not so wise decisions. No one is perfect. Try to be kind. Stand for what you believe, but also try to be kind. 
Go with love and take care of each other.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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