Saturday, June 17, 2017

Sympathy empathy

A friend recently shared with me an article from Harvard. It was the results of research. There was a control group of healthy people  and the others all had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Through a process, it was determined that people with schizophrenia benefit less from social cues. They lack empathy for others. Many also lacked sympathy.
It is nice to know that I am not the pretending to care about others most of the time. I'm not using it as an excuse to be rude. If you know someone with schizophrenia, encourage them to at least learn proper responses. For example, my friend told me her aunt died and she was heart broken. I didnt feel a thing, but I have learned the proper response for that was an "aw. I'm sorry. That really sucks." Something like that accompanied with an attempt to seem sad kept me from social trouble. Learning simple responses like that have helped me a lot. Now I don't do things like laugh at funerals or stare at crying people. Lol. It sounds butthole ish and odd that those things in an adult have to be taught, but it is either that or deal with a socially awkward schizophrenic borderline butt. Understand that brain disorders are not a choice. They are chemical/structural abnormalities that effect the individual more than you are aware. It effects the thought process, behavior, and emotions of the individual. Be patient and educate yourself.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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