Thursday, June 15, 2017

Oh, Canada

My best friend, Amber, is getting married. She lives all the way in the upper peninsula of Michigan. I tell her she is canadian as a joke. My other friend and I made the drive up here a couple days ago. Sylvia's parents let us stay at their house on the way up through Ohio.
I'm honestly just kinda annoyed and I'm not even a part of the wedding. I'm sure everyone that is is super stressed and annoyed also. There are so many loud people up here that keep forcing themselves near me. It wouldn't be bad if they weren't loud and annoying. It was like a light show when I was trying to sleep because everyone had their phones and laptops on the brightest setting possible. They all kept walking near me too. Like, it is 1 am. Go the fuck to bed. My friend always trys to tell me how to do everything. She says it is because she is a teacher. I don't care. I am not an idiot. The fiance seems like a drama king jerk. He isnt happy with us being around. I can tell because when we're around he's always fighting for Amber's attention. He always says, "Am I allowed to talk now?" Like, you gotta share bro. We had her first. Then he tagged along on a little tour of the town. I just wanted to have some time with my friend I havent seen in 3 years. Anytime I went to say something to her or my other friend said something he always let out a big sigh. He always tries to pull Amber off to the side and keep her there. He seems waaaaay to serious. This whole post may seem super jerk offish, but I dont care. I will say that I am always super slow to warm up to most people. I rarely give new people the benefit of a doubt. Jason did come and talk and kinds express his mind on setting things up. He is nice. I think I am starting to like him a bit more.
I also hate how I have to guard what I say around my other friend. She got upset when Ambers sisters were talking about some girl. She doesnt even know her. I feel forced to be nice to this girl back home so my friend doesnt get upset. I'm almost to the point that I want to not watch my mouth around her. I dont care if she gets upset. I'm going to do and say what I want to.
You can be an independent person. You do not have to do or say anything you don't want to, even if saying what you want  is rude. Sometimes you need to get it out somehow.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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