Friday, June 30, 2017

Dark blue

As you can probably tell by the title of my blog, I do have schizophrenia. I haven't been on here in a few days because certain hallucinations have decreased my ability to concentrate. Today, I decided to give it a go. I'll just tell you about my hallucinations the past few days.
I saw 1, Used To Be is her name, that I haven't seen in a long while. Well, first I heard her scratching my door while I was trying to clean my room. Then she crawled under the crack. She then scurried across the room like a dog and into the closet. Remind you that Used To Be used to be a lady. She has never told me what happened to make her how she is now. She has wide eyes and shaggy white hair. She is small like a tiny step stool. Her back is flat like a table and she crawls around on what is left of her arms and legs. She almost reminfs me of a dog. She doesnt really speak. Only growls and grumbles. Anyway, a few seconds later a dark blue shadow appeared next to me. It was thick. As the day went on it continued to get in my way. It took many shapes and sizes. Sometimes it stood and watched me from across the room and other times it tried to get up close and personal. Never did it seem violent. It was just always there. It projected radio static. I could see the static and hear it.
Sometimes hallucinations come and go. Sometimes they stick around or return later. They can be distracting. A schizophrenic brain usually had a tought time concentrating without hallucinations so most of the time they make it worse. Be patient with us.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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