Sunday, June 4, 2017

Late night adventures

Sometimes people do things out of nowhere. Sometimes they do thinga for a reason and sometimes they don't. I can't figure out if last night had a meaning or reason, but enjoy the story. Its nothing dirty.
I got bored after coming home early from work. My house was packed with random strangers. There always here because my roommates lack respect for personal space. I had just returned from grocery shopping. The sun was setting and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. My neighbor down the street rides by on his bike and sees me standing outside.  I'd seen him before. He's pretty hot. He turned and rode slowly towards me as he pushed up the visor on his helmet. His green eyes smiled at me. "I have an extra helmet." He said nodding towards the back of his bike. I walked over to his bag. I lifted out the helmet. It was dark purple with silver sparkles. I needed his help putting it on because my dreadlocs are so thick. I climbed on his bike and off we went. I didn't know where we were going or if he even was safe, but it felt great. I was happy.
"This is my favorite place to think." He said as we climbed down the embankment to the dam. I could see everything by the river. We sat and talked for hours. We shared our life story and told each other of all our favorite things. Turns out he goes to Lee too. We left to go back to town.
When we got in downtown, the police had a few cars pulled over blocking a road. Wr decided to take the long way back. That meant taking back roads...and seeing how fast his bike could go. This just added to the thrill of the night. We finally made it back and he invited me inside. We didnt drink or do anything. We had pizza and mt dew. Thats probably why I didn't fall asleep until super late. I told him i'd walk home. Its less than a block. He smiled, waved goodbye, and watched me walk from his front door.
I don't know his name or why any of that happened, but it was good. I'm not encouraging you to ride with strangers or tell them everything. Do be adventurous though.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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