Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Story time #3 "The three...continued"

This story is kinda long and may even be tough to understand. That is why I have put it into 2 separate post that may even turn into 3. So, to recap, I saw 3 really scary things that turned out not to be evil but instead needed my help.
Many people ask me how it was that I got to Tyrenia? "Did you walk?" "Was it another adventure?" "Meditation? Imagination?" Nah. None of those. I just had to walk through a door or around a corner. There was no long adventure or psychodelic shrooms. No meditation or imagination. My brain kinda did it on its own. Always without my permission.
As we walked through the town center, I saw many hallucinations I had seen before. The bunnies of the year were there and so were the mice and snakes. Some of the people were there and all of the creatures. Everything looked old and deep southish. We finally made it to the castle. I'd never seen anything like it before. I was so caught up in all these hallucinations and delusions that I didn't realize none of it was real. According to my family I just sat around or walked around all day. I didn't seem in the world at all. I was told that there was a mirror, The Love Mirror, that if assembled could end all wars to come. It was my mission to find it because the shards weren't just in Tyrenia, but also in reality. We Only had 1 of the pieces that we needed for it. So for a long time, I was back and forth between reality and Tyrenia.
Mr. Red came to me one day while I was at home. He said to me that the government didn't want me to collect the mirror pieces and had placed cameras all in my house. I became very paranoid. He told me that I could carve a secret symbol into my flesh to make it to where the cameras couldn't see me. It was a trapazoid with a dot and 4 lines in the center. I put it on my leg just below another message. That will be a story for another time though...There was just 1 more problem. The cameras that the government out everywhere could also see my family. I had to put the symbol in their skin too. That landed me back in the hospital. Mr Red said it was the governments way of keeping me from Tyrenia. He said that there were ways around it. He said that as long as either him, Mr. Green, or Mr. Blue stayed by my side the entire time then I could still get back and forth between my world and theirs. Mr.Red was with me most of the time.
I couldn't eat the hospital food. It had some sort of poison in it. Mr Red said that if I carved the word "poison" into my skin then the poison couldn't get in. Well, In psych wards they take everything from you. I didn't have shoe laces, bras with underwire, strings in my shorts, pens,pencils, no nothing. I did have fingernails. I carved "poison" in my right hand and arm with my fingernail and then asked the nurse for some crackers. She saw the marks and called another nurse over there. "You just can't reach all of 'em." She said as I walked away. I had to do it though so I could eat. They told my Dr and within 10 minutes I found myself in a lockdown ward. The ward was small and only had 4 other patients in it. 2 others that were schizophrenic, and 2 with bi-polar disorder. I couldn't walk on the floors though because they had poison on them. 252, a snake, had to slither over the floor and leave me a clean path so I could walk. I don't remember how long I was there. According to family and Drs, I wasn't even able to make complete sentences. My mission was made a bit more complicated since I was in this ward. What happened? You'll have to read part 3 to find out. Please, continue to love each other and
                                                                        Love, a schizophrenic

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