Saturday, October 10, 2015


  As a lot of people know, paranoia is one symptom of schizophrenia. I am not always struggling with paranoia, but it is something I have dealt with before to the point of hospitalizations. Maybe some of you psych people can help me with this one. I'm not entirely sure this would be paranoia as much as it would be a delusion.
  My mother died of an accidental overdose of her lupus medication when I was 12. She died at home but EMS was able to get her heart to beat again before rushing her to the hospital. There she was placed on life support machines. She had tubes draining blood from her stomach? The doctor told us that she was brain dead and they were injecting something in her to make her heart keep beating. Her liver and kidneys had shut down. I think I mentioned in a previous post about having hallucinations of her after she died.
  Recently I saw a woman on Facebook. I've been friends with this woman for a while. I glanced at her picture after she liked one of my post and she looked like my mother only older then when she died. I heard voices telling me it was my mom so I began researching her. I came to the conclusion that my mom didn't really die. She divorced my dad (they used to argue a lot) and then moved away. The woman's profile said she is divorced and she looks almost how I can imagine my mom looking now. She is friends with my step mom and I thought my step mom had something to do with it. My dad did tell me when he had her taken off the machines that it was alright for her to go that'd we'd be okay. What if that is what he talking about her leaving? I found my mom's death certificate but I wasn't actually there when she "died." Her profile was just a way that she could still be with us.
  Basically, my brain kept giving me all this proof that it was her. Well, then I hallucinated her walking into my dorm room. She didn't talk like my mom. Her voice was much different. I haven't heard my mom's voice in 10 years, but I would know it if I heard it. This lady wasn't her. She was shorter than my mom was. I know people sometimes shrink as they get older. My mom was about 5'7, but this lady probably wasn't even 5'4. She had the ban-aid on her arm where my mom used to have her blood taken from. She wasn't wearing the same type of shorts I remember my mom wearing. She put her arm on my shoulder and I tried to ignore her, but she stood there. Now, I can't get her to leave. I don't know this lady.
                                                             Help, a schizophrenic

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