Wednesday, October 21, 2015


  Have you ever been out in public and you start to think that everyone's thoughts are against you? I don't mean you start to FEEL like people are thinking badly of you or that they are secretly talking about you. What I mean is you get nervous, you shake a bit, get a bit sweaty, your head starts to throb, and before you know it you can hear everything. At least you THINK you can hear everything. Your headache continues to worsen and when you look up everyone is walking by pretending you don't even exist. The voices in your head tell you that they actually aren't ignoring you. They are talking about you, to you, and implanting thoughts in your head, or maybe they can even hear your thoughts. You begin to panic. You even try to figure out how this could possible be. Are they aliens? Are they gods? Are these people even real or just more hallucinations? Has this ever happened to anyone else?
  No? Oh, that's right. These things don't actually happen. They are just made up movie sense that Hollywood fills our living rooms with. Mental illnesses never actually happens and of course, if it does, that person is ALWAYS  murderer....wait'm definitely being sarcastic. Sorry.
  That scenario I described? Yeah, that has happened to me before on several occasions. What happened? Welp, I was dragged outta there by my parents before anyone began to notice too much. Yep, I ended up in a hospital not much longer after that. Did I kill anyone? Nope. Just stabbed a few innocent bystanders...with my demonic laser vision. Ya know, cause I'm "demon possessed." Once again. Sarcasm.
  I'm super sorry if this sounds whiny in anyway, but these are issues that I face everyday. People ask me this stuff all the time. "Do you think you're demon possessed...or maybe just oppressed?" Nope. My brain ain't wired correctly....and apparently neither is yours ya nut. "I don't know that I want to be around you. You could be dangerous." Really? If I was dangerous I would be pickin' off better people than you, ya lil waste a my time.
  People come up with all kinds of questions and ideas when they are afraid of something they don't understand. It is a defense mechanism. We has humans need an explanation for just about everything. I understand that, but at least try to find an answer without insulting me. I really wish we had some sort of technology that allowed us to research and ask questions. What would they call that? Internet, maybe? I could keep on about this, but my point is to please do your research so you quit saying stupid crap.
                                                     Love, a schizohrenic

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