Tuesday, March 15, 2016

No one ever cares

No one ever cares. They never have and they never will. Maybe they do for each other, but not me. I see you and I've told you all I know to say, but one of us doesn't get it. You brush it off and move alone. You hurt me. Everyday. You. hurt. me. Do you care? No. Because everything is always about you. You realized that you don't have to tell me yes. You know that you have me wrapped around your finger. When I ask for help, if you do help, you throw in my face later. Or you're too tired or soooo sleepy. You feel like crap. You get mad when people tell you what is good for you. You get mad when you are told things you need to hear. You're looking for justification that you won't find. I've been here from the beginning. You say you need something. I'm here. I'm willing to give it to you, but you don't want it. Then, you continue to ask me for help. You continue to talk to me about your problems. I can't go to you for any of mine because either its about you or you don't understand. I thought I could wait for you to figure it out, but you never will. You and the amount of people that have told me that I am a terrible person today are the reasons there is so much blood on my floor and knife. Mainly you. Them I can deal with, but you? I want all or nothing yet I am wrapped like a pretty little ribbon around your finger and because I am an idiot, I can't seem to unwrap myself. I want it, but I don't because you don't care. I do and thats why I can't let go, You are so stupid, careless, self centered, immature, arrogant, naive, young, rebellious, and what ever else. You are just as bad a person as I am. You really don't care who you hurt? At least not me. Maybe her because "If I wasn't (stupid excuse) she'd be the one I'd pick." What happened to my feelings? Why did she even tell you that? What a....why? No? What is she trying? Why did her telling you that mess with you so bad, but nothing I say matters. You ignore the truth to justify your lie. You only want to speak to like minded people to justify yourself knowing good and well that what everyone else is saying is the truth. Why? You ungrateful, hurtful, douche. I should drain the blood from my wounds and pour it down your throat. Then will you get it? No. Because everything is "so confusing" and always about you. I hope you choke on my blood, but then I'd feel bad. Because, unlike anyone else in your life, I care.
                                                               Love, a schizophrenic

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