Wednesday, March 16, 2016

They can't understand

I've written several entries intended to help friends and families of those with mental illness understand what it is the loved one is experiencing. These entries bled into trying to understand where families are coming from. From there, they went to tips for the family and friends. Today I realized something. They will never understand.
I met with a friend today. He asked me how my schizophrenia is going and if it interferes much with my classes. Of course it does. It interferes with everything that I do. I told him that 99% of the time when I am speaking to someone, there voice isn't the only one that I'm hearing. He asked if my psychiatrist gave me any tips or exercises to help me focus. That is actually a really good question. If anyone has an answer, I would so love to hear it. I told him that I was just handed medicine. His response was that he doesn't think medicine helps all that much. He said he thinks that it helps, but maybe not as much as we would like for it to. In a sense, I agree. I tried to tell him my reasoning on why I did't agree as much, but he ends to cut people off sometimes and he isn't usually able to speak for long because he is a very busy person. I realized that it didn't matter what I told him. It didn't matter if I told him I was on my way to Broughton before I had a medicine that worked well. It didn't matter. People can't understand. It is impossible. I'M SCHIZOPHRENIC AND I DON'T EVEN ALWAYS UNDERSTAND!!! It is so impossible. This lack of understanding isn't the problem. It is the lack of an attempt. Just because you may not be able to understand 100% doesn't mean you can't at least a little bit. That little bit will mean the world to someone once you try. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
Ya wanna know something funny? I gave my friends a link to my blog and they said that they would read it. I don't do things for attention, I promise. I just kinda thought to myself after I came to my senses last night that they would say something. I thought they would notice my cuts even though I did my best to hide them. I wasn't in my right mind last night. It was rough. Tonight is rough too, but not as bad. At least not yet. The funny thing is that no one notices either.
                                                                       Love, a Schizophrenic

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