Monday, July 3, 2017

Speak of the devil...

And he shall appear. Today, a guy I work with went with me to taco bell for lunch. We'd been there for maybe 30 minutes eating and Tyler walks in. I didn't see him come in, but my coworker did. He goes "Hey! There's your friend that used to work here!" "What's his name? Tyler?" I immediately shushed him and mouthed the words "we aren't friends anymore." We tried to carry on our conversation, but my coworker kept laughing. I noticed other people in the dining area laughing. I over heard a guy at the table by us ask his buds "is that appropriate?" I almost turned to look and see what they were talking about. I asked my coworker what he was laughing at. "He is wearing tight yoga pants." About that time the employee calls Tyler's name to give him his order. He walked out the door I was facing. He was wearing his blue tank top he always wears and tight black yoga pants. My coworker died laughing. "You could see everything." He said. I explained to my coworker that Tyler does ballet and the dance studio.he goes to is almost next door to the restaurant. 
The thing is that I had another dream about him last night. He wasn't in the dream, but the dream was about him. I don't really remember much of it at all. I just know it was about him. Anyway, I kinda felt bad for him. Literally everyone in the store that I could see without turning around was laughing at him. I imagine the people behind me were also laughing because I did hear them make some comments too. He seems to be dragging himself down a lot lately. I cut him out of my life and yet everyone still finds it necessary to tell me all about him.
Friends, justice sometimes serves itself. People will get what comes to them and a lot of the time you don't have to do anything to make that happen. Stay calm and stay out of the way and your enemies will often drag themselves down. 
Love, A Schizophrenic

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