Saturday, April 13, 2019

ups and downs

Today was a day. I went to a park and walked. I climbed on some rocks and took pictures. Then I went with my friend to the old woolen mill to get some coffee and climb on more things and take more pictures. The adventure ended with dinner with 2 friends and a walk around campus. It was chill. I will probably stay home tomorrow because I need to save my gas and money... because I am going to surprise my dad in NC this weekend! He has like 0 idea. Its gonna be great. My step mom said she's get us a hotel to stay in, but that kinda worries me. Like, what if she decides not to and tells us not to come? What if its on the other side of the mountain and it cost a lot of gas to go back and forth? I only have so much money. I suggested my friend and I just stay in the basement of the church, but she insisted. I didn't want to cost anyone anything. I just wanted to visit.
I worry a lot. How much in life is purely good? Like, have you ever had a bunch of good things happen in a row in your life? Then you brace for impact because everything that goes up must come down. Like....whats finna happen? What is God cushioning the blow from? OR maybe he really is just blessing me. IDK
More things to come.
Also, had a birthday recently. I don't feel as old as I am, and according to others I look a lot younger so thats nice.
Anyway, take care of yourselves and be kind.
Love, A Schizophrenic.

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