Friday, April 12, 2019

Burnt out

I hate going so long without posting. I just get tired from work and want to do absolutely nothing when I get home. Speaking of work, I asked my boss for a raise. He talked to his boss and she agreed to give me one! They also have me studying for a promotion which comes with another raise! 
I have managed to find a place to are all of my other housemates. One was already planning on moving, the girl who was going to take my spot decided not to, and the other girl (the one that kicked me out) couldn't find anyone to take the spots. Then, the other housemate decided to find somewhere else. How the tables have turned. 
I found a place with some friends who were kind enough to help me put the decals on my JEEP! I named it Indominus Jeep. If you have ever seen Jurassic Park or Jurassic World than you will understand. Since I don't have to have a security deposit for where I am going, I can surprise my dad for Easter weekend. He has 0 idea. My step mom, siblings, best friends, and aunt all know. This is a surprise for him and I can't wait! Its been so long since I've been able to go home for Easter.
I had my audition. It went better than I thought it would, but not as great as I had hoped. I haven't heard anything back yet though. 
I have got so burned out on my job, but it looks like things will be a bit different now. I am glad that I have the weekend off this week to recuperate. I only work 4 days next week so that is nice too. I just got to where I was so irritable and moody at work. I'd get upset with others for no reason and I hate when I, like that. They don't deserve that. They are good people. I have to remind myself of that constantly.  
We may not realize how important our days of rest are sometimes. Sometimes all you need is a couple consecutive days to raise morale. Maybe Monday will be better.
Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other.
Love, A Schizophrenic

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