Saturday, February 27, 2016

Its been a minute

It seems like ages since I've made a blog post. Things have been so hectic with work, school, and traveling. I don't even know where to start. This blog was originally intended to be like advice or something on a the topic of mental illness. Now it may be a bit more of a journal too. I'm not that interesting a person I guess so I don't have too much to say. I've said about all on here that I can about my past, but most of it should stay a secret. That is why I don't write about everything in my past on here. So much of it my best best bestest friends don't even know. I don't want them to know what kind of person I was and the things that I did and said to people. Most things on here will be more about my day to day stuff.
I'm struggling with aural skills as usual. How am I supposed to focus on music when I have voices screaming at me? Its the same with all my other classes too. Every voice I hear likes to scream. Maybe thats why I'm not so nice. Because I hear negative things from voices all the time I've started to think like them again. To top it all off, one of my friend groups had a lot of drama and then we got followed by a demon. I struggle to put my contacts in everyday. I don't like glasses. I've had like a trillion compliments from people, mostly guys, since I've started using contacts. I get to play bass sax in our saxophone choir. It is amazing and I love it. A couple people say some rude things to me about doing my jury on it. They think it is stupid and worthless even if it is fun. I think they are just jealous and mad that they weren't offered the opportunity to play it. I did kinda rub it in their faces though by naming the horn after myself....conceded? Maybe on a lottle. Just for fun though. Oh, I don't remember if I wrote about this or not, but my dad almost died over Christmas break. Simple surgery gone terribly wrong. There was so much internal bleeding. The doctors didn't expect him to live, but he made it. Thank God. I don't know what I'd do if I lost anyone else. My great aunt just died, but I don't remember her all that much. It has been maybe 10 years since I'd seen her. She was awesome. A guy at work got fired because he kept saying bad things about me behind my back. The things he said the last time were so bad that no one was comfortable repeating it to me. Whatever. Anyway, thats been my life the past little bit. Laters bruhs and lady bruhs.
                                                                                     Love, A Schizophrenic

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